Temperate feelings glad to not be in monsoon season welcome you like islands do. Warm and
breezy! sweet and tangy. there are probably hermit crabs in the sand, squiggling. dwelling.
If you dive right
an almost weightless 300 feet
and clarity
Or your hands sift through those thoughts slowly eroding. Where do they come from? Waves
curled into careless furrow fingers shift them cyclically. Earth curled into a careful cove
shelters a ship. This ship sails to these shores, parts provinces with letters. Embarkations. This
is currency, cross the even meridian with beautiful hopes, you know
unhurried slants and lanterns light a lopsided lemniscate
on which familiar profligate penchants might perambulate. and at its zenith
there is a bench.
I'll --- after I stop
if I stop
wind through the netting
or somehow my gravity ceases
to hold me in my flighty patterns
and that's the buzz
how many lives can I muster
flit and so flustered!
you're colors and feathers, you float past all weathers
hummingbird, in sooth
you're just sound & letters, got stuck trying for better