Empire City Con Panel Acceptance Form
Thank you again for applying to run a session at Empire City Con 2021 -- we would not be able to do this without the skills and effort from volunteers like you! So that we can start scheduling our programming in earnest, please respond to this form by August 15.
If there are multiple people in your group, please include their answers as well where it's relevant (names, travel schedules, roomshare), but only one person needs to submit the form. You can edit your responses later by using the link in the confirmation email you'll get after submitting, or just emailing
with the changes you'd like to make. We'll also reach out to confirm details with you in October.
* Required
Your email
Panel Description
Name of panel as you would like it to appear on our schedule:
Your answer
Name/handle(s) and pronouns of everyone in your group. Example: @rialismus (she/they), Lindsay (she/her). This is what we'll use to create nameplates, so please make sure the spelling is right!
Your answer
2-5 sentence description of the panel to go on our website (if you'd like us to link to your slides or other resources, please include that here as well):
Your answer
Social media links to include in the description of your panel on our site (leave empty if you don't want to include any):
Your answer
Panel Materials
Please list out any arts & crafts, audio/video (A/V), etc. For A/V, please list out 1) how many panelist mics you'll need, 2) whether you'll be taking questions from the audience, and 3) any connections you'd need for playing audio or video (example: 'projector using HDMI connector, audio from a headphone jack').
What materials/resources will you provide yourself?
Your answer
What materials/resources do you need the convention to provide for you?
Your answer
Will you need any accommodations to run this session?
Your answer
Planning & Travel
Have you purchased a weekend or day pass for Empire City Con 2019? (If anyone in your group has not, please mark the "No" option.)
Yes, I bought a weekend pass
Yes, I bought a day pass for Friday
Yes, I bought a day pass for Saturday
No, I haven't bought a weekend or day pass
What are your travel schedule/plans to get to the convention? For reference, official programming hours are from 10 AM - 10 PM on Friday, November 12 and Saturday, November 13, and 10 AM - 2 PM on Sunday, November 14.
Your answer
Would you like to be added to our room and rideshare list? The list will only include volunteers and accepted panelists. Note that being on the list does NOT mean you have to share a room or travel with anyone.
Yes, mark me as interested in possibly sharing a room with other volunteers
No, do not mark me as interested in possibly sharing a room with other volunteers
Clear selection
Anything else we should know?
Your answer
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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